
    “An ecological alternative technique for agriculture”


    Foliar FertilizerUtilisation according to EU-prescription (EWG) 2092/91
    Approved for organic agriculture by Ecocert Canada viticulture,
    horticulture, market gardening, fruit gardeningy.

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  • What is ZAMGREEN Organic Fertilizer 



    • It is a completely natural and new generation nanotechnological product consisting of micronized limestone particles.
    • Since it does not contain chemicals, it does not cause residue problems and no side effects.
    • Regulates flavor and aroma in vegetables and fruits
    • Increases the tonnage of the product by increasing the dry matter amount of the plant.
    • Provides earliness in agricultural products grown in the open ane greenhouse.
    • Is a technology that turns agriculture into art and makes your dreams come true
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    How does ZAMGREEN work ?

    Zamgreen is mixed with water and applied by spraying on the leaves.Particles in the megamineral pass through the leaf pores and dissolve between cells as calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is immediately involved in the process of photosynthesis.
    Since the amount of photosynthesis mostly depends on the amount of light and CO2, ZAMGREEN provides the plants with an appropriate amount of CO2, thus increasing photosynthesis by 20-30%. Roots spread deeper and wider.
    The result is strong plants with thickened and enlarged leaves with increased chlorophyll content and a marketable product increase with an extended shelf life in the plant

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    How to apply ZAMGREEN ?

    Dosage: 0.5%


    * Garden: mix 1 teaspoon Zamgreen per liter of water filled into a usual garden sprayer.


    SPRAYER ( 0,3 - 0,8mm )


    * Agriculture: mix 1 kg Zamgreen per 200 l of water.
    * Number of treatments: every 14 days, as soon as the plant has a minimum of 3 leaves.


    COURSE: 3 - 4 times

    ZAMGREEN should not be mixed with other chemicals in applications.!!!!

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    Visible effects of ZAMGREEN on the plant :

    * Strengthened plants

    * Accelerated growth
    * Numerous fruits
    * Bigger and more pigmented leaves
    * The plants are more resistant to diseases !!!

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    Reduced Water needs 

    Eine kleine Tagline

    Evaporation is the basic mechanism ensuring the water balance in the plant. It is responsiblefor the circulation of water inside the plant Maximal evaporation rates for most plants in moderate climates (mesophytes) range from 2 to 6 mg water per minute and gram leaf, which equals several gram per hour and square
    centimetre leaf surface.
    Evaporation is influenced by several factors, such as humidity, airflow, and light. 90% of the evaporation is due to the pores of the plant, giving vent to the vapour.
    The application of Zamgreen does not change the process of evaporation itself, but avoids unnecessary evaporation, thus leading to an improved utilisation of the water.

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    ZAMGREEN and Ecology

    Eine kleine Tagline

    Zamgreen is absolutely innoxious
    Zamgreen has no toxic threshold
    Zamgreen reduces the water needs
    Evaporation is influenced by several factors, such as humidity, airflow, and light. 90% of the evaporation is due to the pores of the plant, giving vent to the vapour.

  • Field Applications

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    Fruit Trees Applications

    500 gr ZAMGREEN should be mixed with 100 lt water in each application.

    4-5 applications should be made in a vegetation period.

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    Eine kleine Tagline


    The first application is when the greenpart is 4-6 leaves.
    Second application 14 days after first application.
    Third application, 14 days after second application.

    Fourth application, 14 days after the third application.


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    Eine kleine Tagline


    The first application is when the buds burst.
    The second application is when the fruits reach the size of chickpeas.
    Third application, 14 days after second application.
    Fourth application, 14 days after the third application.
    Fifth application, 14 days after fourth application.

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    Eine kleine Tagline


    The first application, when the shoots reach 15 cm in length.
    Second application 14 days after first application
    Third application, 14 days after second application
    Fourth application, 14 days after the third application

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    Eine kleine Tagline


    The first application is 200 g mixed per 100 kg of seeds before planting.
    Second application, when the green partis 6-8 leaves.
    Third application 20 days after second application.
    The fourth application, 25 days after the third application.

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    Eine kleine Tagline


    The first application is 200 g mixed per 100 kg of seeds before planting.
    The second application is during the lifting period.
    The third application is during the milk production period.

  • ZAMGREEN Application Results
    Test Results

  • Zamgreen Report

    Ministry of Agriculture

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  • Contact

    Lusaka Showgrounds | P.O. Box 30333, Great E Rd, Lusaka 10101
    Mon-Fri - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    +260 211 25 39 36